Anesthetic/Procedure Consent Form

At our hospital we strive for excellence when caring for your pet. When anesthetic procedures are required, we recommend minimizing the risk by using blood tests and intravenous fluids. We also recognize that there are times and situations when you may prefer less costly options. We respect this and ask that you help us meet your expectations by filling out the following.

An I.V. catheter will be placed to provide access for administration of medication if indicated during anesthesia.


Continuous Intravenous (I.V.) Fluids

Continuous I.V. fluids can be added during anesthesia help to maintain your pet’s blood pressure. This is important for providing adequate blood flow to their vital organs such as the liver and kidneys. Because of the significant benefits of I.V. fluids, we recommend them for all anesthetic procedures.

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Pre-Anesthetic Bloodwork

Blood tests are used to screen for medical problems that may not be apparent on physical examination and could increase anesthetic risk. More involved tests provide more information but incur greater costs. We encourage some level of blood screening be done for all animals undergoing an anesthetic.

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Additional Procedures/Observations


Often multiple procedures can be combined into one anesthetic. This saves on multiple anesthetics for the pet and additional costs for you. Please let us know if there are any other procedures we can help you with today.


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Elizabethan (Cone) Collar


Some procedures require your pet to wear a cone collar post procedure. This may be at the discretion of the attending veterinarian.


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At our hospital we realize the importance of pain management. We have done our best to ensure that your pet has been comfortable by providing them with proper pain medication while under our care. We may recommend that additional pain medication be sent home with your pet at the time of discharge.


I understand that reasonable care and precautions will be taken with regard to restraint, anesthesia, and surgery performed on my pet. I also understand that any procedures requiring anesthesia are associated with certain amount of risk. I accept responsibility for these risks and authorize the hospital to perform the procedure(s) or surgery(s) on my pet while under anesthesia.


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